Corporate support does not have to be financial. There are lots of other ways you can support our work, which benefits your brand.

It can also be a great opportunity for staff development, as your staff could donate their time and expertise.

You can help by donating your time, space or services, whether by offering rooms for volunteer training or simply printing materials for our events.

Gifts like these enable us to put more of our valuable funds into supporting premature and sick babies and can make a huge difference to what we can achieve.

Help motivate your workforce

Your staff volunteering for Bliss can have many benefits and help you to deliver your corporate responsibility strategy.

The benefits include staff feeling more motivated with a sense of giving back and supporting our cause.

We would help to make sure your staff get the most out of their volunteering time and benefit from our organisation values of trusted, supportive and ambitious.

Research conducted by the Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD) identified team building, improved staff morale, improved brand reputation as benefits among others.