Home > Give to Bliss > How we spend your donation

It is because of the people who take part in events, fundraise in their communities, make regular donations, and remember us in their wills; as well as the trusts, foundations and companies who so generously support our work that we are able to make a difference to the lives of premature and sick babies and their families.

Every penny we raise is important to us, and through our fundraising, as with all aspects of our work, we are committed to working in line with our values of being trusted, supportive, and ambitious.

Bliss is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, an independent regulator of charitable fundraising. You can find out more by reading their Code of Fundraising Practice.

Did you know: By choosing to Gift Aid your donation, Bliss receives an extra 25p for every £1 donated, at no extra cost to you? Gift aid your donation today.

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How we spend your donations

Over the last five years, 69% of Bliss' spending went towards our work supporting babies born premature or sick. 30% was spent raising more money to fund our work in the future, while 1% was spent on ensuring the charity is run effectively.

Our Spending Breakdown

For every £1 we spend on fundraising, we make over £3 more to support our vital work helping the most vulnerable babies.

You can find more information about our ethical approach to partnership with third parties in our Ethical Policy.

Contact one of our fundraising team to find out more about any aspect of Bliss' fundraising.