A to Z of fundraising ideas

Tw School Fundraising Graph3

Looking to organise a fundraising event with your school, nursery or youth group? Read our A to Z of ideas and inspiration from some of the incredible children and young people who have raised money for Bliss.

A is for Arts and Crafts

Creative people might want to sell their arts and crafts at a fair or invite the community to an exhibition of their artwork and charge an entry fee.

B is for Bag packing

Ask your local supermarket if a group of volunteers could do some bag packing to raise money for Bliss.

C is for Cake and Coffee

There’s always room for cake when you host a bake sale or coffee morning. We have lots of helpful downloads to help with your fundraising.

D is for Dance

Discos, Ceilidhs, Barn Dances - sell your tickets to raise funds for Bliss and enjoy dancing the night away.

E is for Easter

Easter is a perfect time for a fundraising event. Easter Egg hunts, Easter Egg decorating competitions and Easter Egg sales are just a few ideas!

F is for Football

Check out our Bliss fundraiser, Remy's tips on holding a football fundraiser.

G is for Guess

Guessing the number of sweets in a jar, or the birthday of a teddy bear, and the one who guesses correctly can win the prize. Or get everyone to bring a baby photo of themselves and see if you can all guess who is who correctly!

H is for Halloween

Host a party where you can play traditional games, award prizes for your favourite costumes or pumpkin carvings.

I is for Ice Cream

Summer fetes are a great place for an ice cream stand with lots of yummy toppings to choose from.

J is for Jumble

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Gather the toys and books you have outgrown and sell them at a Jumble Sale.

K is for Knitting

Does your school have a knitting group? Contact your local hospital to see if there’s anything you could knit for babies on the neonatal unit. Download our knitting patterns.

L is for Lighting up the night

Grab your glowsticks, lanterns and torches and organise a sponsored winter evening walk to light up the night for premature and sick babies.
Find out more
Group of Girl Guides standing in a group in the dark decorated with face paints and wearing torches and fairy lights

M is for Movie Night

Choose a film, put it on a big screen and charge for popcorn and other cinema snacks.

N is for New Year

Set resolutions you can actually keep this year. Challenge yourself with your classmates in the New Year to raise money for Bliss.

O is for Olympics

Sponsored swims, bike rides and indoor rowing challenges are great ways to raise money. Or perhaps have a sports day and invent your own Olympic sports.

P is for Picnic

Bring a blanket, maybe your favourite teddy bear and enjoy your picnic.

Q is for Quiz

Quiz nights are simple to organise and we can give you facts about Bliss’ work to question your contestants on!

R is for Raffle

Ask friends and family or local businesses to donate prizes and raffle them off to raise funds. We can provide a letter to help you source prizes. Find out more about holding a raffle.

T is for Teal Days

Teal Tuesdays (or Thursdays) can be a fun way of getting everyone to wear Bliss colours while helping babies born needing special care.

U is for (no) Uniform

Have a ‘Mufti Day’ at your school where everyone donates £1 to go uniform free. Maybe get your teachers to wear the school uniform instead!

V is for Variety

Magicians, Singers, Dancers, Musicians…gather all the talent in your community to put on a Variety Night Cabaret.

W is for World Prematurity Day

Internationally celebrated on November 17 each year, lots of our fundraisers like to do something in November to fundraise for Bliss to raise money and awareness.

X is for Xmas

Carol Singing, Christmas Craft Fairs, Nativity Plays, Ugly Christmas Sweater Days…the list is endless!

Y is for YPI

Loads of secondary schools are signed up to the Youth Philanthropy Initiative. Find out more about how you can represent Bliss at your school's YPI competition.

Z is for Zumba

Get fit and have fun by organising a Zumbathon.

Feeling inspired?

The Bliss Events Team are on hand with more ideas, materials and plenty of support in the build up to your event. Contact us to let us know what your plans are and order your free fundraising pack today.
Register your event today