Pop the kettle on, make a cuppa and take time to think about the following questions:
Who will you invite to your event? Work colleagues, friends, family?
What kind of event do you want to organise?
Where is your event going to be?
When do you want to do your fundraising? Pick a date and time that gives you time to get organised and people will likely be able to attend.
How much do you want to raise? How will you raise the funds?
Why are you fundraising for Bliss? Let people know how your event is going to help Bliss improve outcomes for every single baby born premature and sick.
Remember to register your event with us so that we can support your fundraising.
Keep your event safe and legal
We want everyone attending your event to have lots of fun and be safe. Make sure you have the right permissions and consider the health and safety of yourself and everyone participating.
Set up a fundraising platform
For all events, it's important to consider setting up an online fundraising page to share with everyone. It could be JustGiving, Facebook fundraising, whatever is easiest for you!
Publicise your event
Once you have organised your event, start letting people know about it. There are lots of ways to promote your event. Check out our tips for promoting your fundraising.
Plan what to do after your event
After your event, we would love to know how it went. Remember to pay in the funds raised for Bliss.