How to get involved

Choose how long you want to stream for, what games to play, and what platform to use. From streaming on Twitch to a multiplayer get together, the choice is yours!

An easy first step is to set up a JustGiving page. They have a step-by-step guide to livestreaming.

Let your friends and family know that you're supporting babies born needing neonatal care so they can sponsor you and cheer you on.

See our fundraising tips for inspiration and email us at [email protected] for support. 

Fundraising for Bliss

There is a critical shortage of neonatal nurses, thousands of parents have to return to work when their baby is still in hospital and many parents can’t access adequate psychological or bereavement support.

Help us change the story for the next generation of babies.

Your fundraising will help Bliss support families and healthcare professionals, campaign for change, and enable life-changing research.

Not a gamer?

Not a problem! There are plenty of other ways to get involved with Bliss, from organising your own event to making a donation. If you do want to give gaming a try, this can be a fun way to get started!