Home > Campaign and raise awareness > Full Term February

Join our 2025 #FullTermFeelings awareness campaign

February is Full Term Awareness Month, a chance to raise awareness of babies born full term and sick.

As a parent of a baby born full term and sick, we know how isolating the experience can sometimes be.

You may never have imagined that your baby would need neonatal care, and it can be difficult to talk to those who haven't been through the same things as you.

There's a common misconception that all babies born needing neonatal care are premature, but 60% are born at full term and sick.

Get involved

We know that for many families, reading stories from others can help parents and families feel less alone.

Help us raise awareness of how it feels to be a parent of a baby born full term and sick by sharing your experiences using #FullTermFeelings on your socials or show your support by posting one of our graphics, available below. Remember to tag @Blisscharity.

Join the conversation

However you decide to get involved this Full Term February, share your neonatal story and tag Bliss so we can re-share:

Post #FullTermFeelings and tag @Blisscharity

Post #FullTermFeelings on Facebook and tag @Blisscharity

Post #FullTermFeelings on Instagram and tag @Blisscharity

Download our social media assets

Get involved on social media by downloading our #FullTermFeelings social media assets (Downloads as a zip file).
Download the assets