Edie was born very unexpectedly on 13 September 2022 at 25+5 weeks, weighing only 420g. She was born in Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport, and we recently had confirmation that she is the smallest baby ever born there to survive. These are the top line numbers and facts, but they do not tell the true story of how scary and life altering this moment was for my wife Laura and me.
Edie was born via emergency c-section to save both my wife and my baby’s life. Due to undiagnosed pre-eclampsia brought on by severe hyperemesis which then also led to HELLP syndrome, we were rushed into the hospital and then everything moved very quickly.
The amazing nurses, midwives, surgeons, doctors, anaesthetists and many other medical professionals did everything they could to help Laura and Edie and to try to avoid early delivery.
However, the situation became life threatening and so in the early hours of the morning we were told that they would be delivering Edie as soon as they could get the team together.
In a state of complete and utter shock, we welcomed Edie into the world at 13:01 on 13 September. It was the most incredible moment of my life watching this tiny baby kick around as she was born, but equally the start of the hardest journey we have ever faced.
Stepping Hill has an incredible medical team and the most amazing NICU, but they were not set up for a baby that small and a baby that had the medical and possible surgical requirements Edie may need.
Edie was transferred to Oldham Hospital but due to a perforated oesophagus and her tiny body she was transferred again to St Mary’s Hospital in Manchester where we would spend the next two and a half months.
Laura was recovering in Stepping Hill for two days and she was then transferred to St Mary’s maternity ward to continue her treatment alongside Edie.
When we arrived at St Mary’s, Bliss was there. We were given leaflets and pointed towards the Bliss website for information on everything from how we may be feeling, what to expect, medical jargon and so much more. This was incredibly useful for me. Laura was still in hospital in the early days and spent as much time as she could out of bed next to Edie’s incubator.