I attended the hospital at 27 weeks initially for reduced movements, but after a few hours of monitoring they sent me home, saying that my gestation was too early to say if it was reduced movements or just that he was still able to “hide”. The following Saturday, when I was 28+1 I attended again for reduced movements but this time they took it a bit more seriously.
The traces weren’t coming back very good and indicated his movements were slowing down, and my urine showed a lot of protein. They decided to keep me in overnight with suspected preeclampsia.
The following morning at 6 am they resumed monitoring and the tone really changed. Initially just one midwife was in the room watching the monitoring traces, then she went to get another, and another… Then the doctors came in too. With visible concern on their faces they explained they were moving me to the labour ward whilst they made the decision on whether he might have to come early.
Following more worrying traces they ordered me an emergency scan, and within 20 minutes of reviewing the scan they had me in theatre. It took three surgeons and 15 spinal block needles to numb me and finally get my baby boy out. Jeremiah-John was born at 11:31 am on 23 January 2022 weighing just 790g.
He was wrapped into a plastic bag and taken into a separate room where a team were waiting to stabilise him. We didn’t even know he was out until a nurse asked my partner if he’d like to see him before they took him to the NICU ward.
I was taken to a recovery ward where other c-section mums were with their babies – it was such a traumatising time - until around 10 pm when I was transferred to the Jessops Wing with Jeremiah-John not far behind me. I finally met him at 11:30 pm the same evening and was absolutely besotted, I’ve never felt a love like it.