It was a huge surprise to me and my husband, when we found out we were expecting -identical (MDCA) twins in July 2021.
We quickly found out that whilst some twin pregnancies can run very smoothly, it can be incredibly common to encounter many risks. These include Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome, Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction, and very often premature birth.
It became clear in November that my placenta, which was working hard to deliver nutrients to both babies, was beginning to show signs that it was insufficient. We were referred from our local hospital to one in London about eighty miles from home.
At Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, we had frequent scanning and checks. The aim was to get the babies to a weight and size which would give them a good chance in NICU.
At 27 weeks and five days, on 15 December 2021, I developed pre-eclampsia and my babies had to be born. It was a worrying morning because there were no neonatal cots available immediately and for a short time, I was worried I would be transferred to another hospital.
Fortunately, our baby girls were born at 4:10pm and 4:12pm. Twin One weighed 677g and Twin Two just 500g.