Following four consecutive miscarriages I fell pregnant with non-identical twins. It was a high risk pregnancy and at 32+6 weeks I went to hospital following a large bleed. That night I haemorrhaged and was rushed for an emergency crash c-section. The twins were delivered whilst I was under general anesthetic. I had suffered a placental abruption and Twin 1 (Henry) was in very poor condition. He had been starved of oxygen and had to be resuscitated. He took his first breath at 24 minutes and was put on a life support ventilator. Twin 2 (Stanley) was put onto breathing support and both babies were taken to the NICU.
My husband was taken to visit the babies. He returned with a neonatal consultant and I was told the news about Henry. He had suffered severe brain damage leading to a condition called Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) and might not make it through the night. I let out what I can only call an animal-like wailing noise. My twins were here, I hadn’t even met them and one was suffering and could die! The consultant said they would make room in the NICU so that I could go and meet the babies whilst still in my hospital bed.
The twins looked so tiny with tubes and wires and monitors attached to them. I remember Henry looked so pale and swollen and his eyes were fixed open. I held his head and hand and told him I loved him and I was so sorry.
It was later decided that there might be some chance for Henry but he would need a level 3 NICU. Our local hospital rang around and Henry and my husband were blue lighted to Chertsey.