Although I was a high-risk pregnancy, partly because I was geriatric (at 39), my pregnancy went smoothly. Apart from the baby hiding at every scan all was well.
At 39 weeks I hadn’t felt much movement one day, so went to hospital where the baby started rolling around, looking like he was having a party, as soon as the monitors were on. But as I had gestational diabetes the doctors were keen to induce me. The labour started fine, but after 18 hours ended in an emergency C-section under a general anesthetic as the baby was stuck.
It took six hours for me to come around only to be told my baby boy hadn’t been breathing when he was born. He didn’t breathe for 27 minutes despite resuscitation attempts. Then when the doctors stepped down thinking all was lost, he suddenly took his first shaky breath and was transferred to NICU. I couldn’t comprehend what had happened from everything being fine with our growing family, to my world falling apart. I was so cloudy and confused from the medication, all I could focus on was that we had had a little boy called Gethin.