Your stories > A letter to the daughter I lost – Becky’s story

Dear Daisy,

The day we found out we were expecting you we were so excited and we couldn’t wait to share this news with everyone. I told your sister Emmy who wasn’t even one at the time that she was going to have a new baby to play with, even though she didn’t understand.

A few months later when we were ready to tell all your family. We had Emmy a “big sister” t-shirt made to surprise everyone! Their reactions were amazing. We all couldn’t wait to meet you!

Becky 1

But sadly on 23 April you decided that you wanted to make an early appearance and you couldn’t wait any longer to meet us. My heart was in pieces and still is because I knew deep down that you were going to be very poorly. When you arrived that night you were a perfect little baby girl and my heart was full.

As the days went by, you quickly deteriorated and got extremely poorly. So poorly that your tiny little body couldn’t take it anymore. On 30 April you sadly passed away.

I held you in my arms for what felt like hours as you left us. That night it will stay with me forever.

I just wish the four of us could cuddle now as a family all together like I’d always imagined.

Our world is very different now without you here but I know we will continue to do our very best to make you proud.

I love you so much,

Mommy x

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