Your stories > Julie and Isaac's story
We have a real miracle boy in our lives now, and he brings so much joy to everyone that knows him.

On 29 January 2015, after a very troublesome pregnancy our son Isaac had to be delivered by emergency C section when I had placental abruption at just 26 weeks. Due to issues with my anatomy it was a very complicated delivery and it took seven minutes, forceps and a Glyceryl trinitrate for angina (GTN) spray to be able to deliver Isaac’s tiny head.

He was born not breathing, bruised all over and weighing just 1lb 11oz, and he was not expected to live past the first 24 hours due to his poor condition. Yet he made it through the first 24 hours, and he made it past the first week. Scans miraculously revealed no obvious bleeds to the brain.

He spent his first six weeks in intensive care at The Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth. During that time he needed four blood transfusions. He had a PDA which was closed using medication. He had chronic lung disease and after two weeks on just Optiflow was put onto continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which he would need for the next two months.

After six weeks at The Queen Alexandra Hospital he was well enough for transfer to our local hospital, St Richard’s in Chichester. We then spent seven weeks there. Isaac struggled with breathing problems and when it came to feeding for himself and breathing at the same time, it was quite a struggle for him.

However, Isaac continued to be a superstar. Amidst all the difficulties he learned to breastfeed exclusively, and got himself weaned from all oxygen and breathing support a week before we finally came home. Then on 29 April, still a week before he was due, we brought our 5lb miracle home.

Isaac is now at 15 months, 21lbs and the happiest, brightest little chap we've ever met. He makes us laugh and smile all the time. He's just started at nursery, which he loves, and he has resolved most of his premature issues – now he just needs physio for mild motor delays but is catching up and is thriving in every other respect.

We are so grateful to the staff at both hospitals who gave us outstanding care from delivery through to coming home and beyond. We have a real miracle boy in our lives now, and he brings so much joy to everyone that knows him.

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