My daughter Sophie was born at 38+2 weeks weight 9lb 1oz on 22nd June 2020 during the first COVID lockdown. I was brought in to be induced due to her measuring quite large – she was estimated to be 9lb 2oz.
But shortly after birth my husband was sent home and I was sent to the ward on my own with our daughter. The midwives were trying to get us discharged to go home, but when they took Sophie for her checks something happened that still shocks me to this day.
Alarms were blaring and people running about. The next thing I had a midwife in beside me telling me Sophie had stopped breathing and suffered a seizure, she was being transferred to the NICU.
This was the hardest thing to deal without having anyone there to support me due to the COVID restrictions. I didn't get to see her until the early hours of the next morning. I walked into the NICU of the Ulster Hospital and all I can remember is the bright lights, noisy machines and intense heat! There was my baby in an incubator with wires, tubes and all manner of machines connected to her. I just remember feeling so overwhelmed as I had never experienced anything like this.
The next day I had doctors telling me my daughter was a very sick baby but they were going to find out what was wrong with her. After lumbar punctures, MRIs and countless blood tests we were told that she had suffered a neonatal stroke. My heart completely broke on hearing this and then came all the complications that may occur. We were told she might not use her left side and also there was a risk of cerebral palsy.
Sophie was then transferred to Antrim Area Hospital NICU after four days to make it easier on our family as we had a 2-year-old at home who hadn't met his little sister yet. Sophie was transferred in the NI Star, a special ambulance to hold the incubator. She then spent a further four days in Antrim where she went from strength to strength. We were able to hold her, change her, feed her and bath her. Once she was discharged she spent the first 9 months of her life on Phenobarbital and had physio sessions through Zoom.
Sophie is now a very happy healthy 4-year-old with no complications. Every hospital she had her consultants were so impressed with how she thrived. Hitting every milestone! Myself and my husband will be forever grateful for the nurses and staff in both units and they not only cared for Sophie but for us too.