I went in for my labour assessment after irregular contractions for 12 hours. I was 4cm dilated however, my blood pressure was very high, so the doctors wanted to keep me in. After a few tests, they said I had pre-eclampsia and I needed my waters broken straight away.
Senara was born a week past her due date and had suffered a shoulder dystocia during birth. She had also gotten quite stressed during the delivery and swallowed some meconium. I think we get so fixated on one number when it comes to our due date. I know when I reached mine, I almost thought that meant my baby had grown fully inside of me and she was going to be okay.
My contractions were back-to-back and I dilated from 4cm to 10cm in a couple of hours. All I remember from the delivery was being told to push as hard as I could then being told to stop pushing straight away. The emergency bell was pressed and the room flooded with midwives, obstetricians, neonatologists, and God knows who else.