My husband, Jamie, and I were eagerly awaiting the birth of our baby boy. Our daughter, Charlotte, was nearly three and thrilled about becoming a big sister. At four days overdue, at 5:20am on Monday 15th May 2017, I woke up with contractions. The midwives frequently checked my baby’s heartbeat, telling me it was good and strong. I was in the birthing suite by early afternoon, and he was born at 6:13pm. Then it all became surreal.
The room was suddenly crammed with doctors, nurses and midwives. They spent 23 minutes resuscitating our baby boy. We were told he weighed 8 pounds 5 oz, that he was really unwell, and he needed more care than they could offer. He would be transferred to a NICU elsewhere. We saw him before he was moved, overwhelmed by all the lines, wires and tubes. I cried. I apologised. They kept me in and called when he had been safely received at St Thomas’ Hospital NICU.