I was 39 + 5 weeks when my contractions started. As this was my first baby I didn’t really know I was in labour until the pain started. I rang the hospital and, because I hadn’t really felt her move much that morning, I was advised to go straight there for an assessment. Then, on the way there, my waters broke in the car, which was absolutely hilarious.
As I started to push, I assumed everything was fine. Then it was time for the big push to get her head out. But she wasn’t coming out fully - she kept popping back in and out. Finally, her head was out, and the midwife was saying ‘Great! Not long now, keep pushing mum!’ I pushed and pushed but she didn’t budge.
So, there I was, on the bed, with my legs up and next thing I knew, the emergency buzzer had been pushed and the room was full of nurses. I had no idea what was going on and I started to panic. They told me the baby’s shoulder was stuck. Two nurses were pulling my legs to help get her out, but it wasn’t working. I could see the panic on my partner’s face and on everyone else’s in the room. Then they did a big cut and pulled her out.