RSV is a common virus that causes cold-like symptoms. It is very contagious and passes easily between people through hand contact or in droplets produced by coughing and sneezing.

It’s known to infect almost all children by the age of two, and often parents will not know that the colds and sniffles their baby is experiencing are caused by RSV.

Black parents can face more barriers to getting the care they need for their baby, it’s so important that all parents feel confident with the symptoms of RSV and when to reach out.

Watch Bliss and Black Mums Upfront video

There are lots of places to get help and support for RSV

NHS 111 England

NHS 111 Wales

NHS 24 (Scotland)

Dial 999 immediately if you think your baby might be seriously unwell.

If you have questions about RSV, or anything to do with looking after a sick or premature baby or child, you can email [email protected] and we will be back in touch soon.

If you have a baby on the neonatal unit, or have recently returned home, you can book a video call with one of our Bliss Champions. These experienced volunteers offer emotional and practical support, help you find the right information for you, and offer a listening ear.

If you are an adult asylum seeker or a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic child, young person, parent or carer you can call the free Barnardos Boloh helpline on 0800 151 2605 or chat online.

Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation have a helpline and email support service for parents of children concerned about asthma or other lung conditions. More information can be found at the Asthma UK or British Lung Foundation websites.