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Citizens Advice provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice on issues including benefits, employment and debt, for people living in England and Wales.

Gov.uk provides information on government services including registering a birth, tax benefits, employment and tax credits.

Mygov.scot provides information about government services in Scotland, including including registering a birth, tax benefits, employment and tax credits for people living in Scotland.

Turn2Us helps people in financial hardship gain access to benefits, grants and support services.

Family Action provides practical, emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation across the country.

Family Fund Offers grants for families raising a disabled or seriously ill child.

National Debtline Call 0808 808 4000 for free, confidential and independent advice about debt problems.

Shelter is a national housing charity providing information and advice about housing options and housing benefits.

Little Village HQ lists local baby banks across the UK, including their own service for people in parts of London. Baby banks are like food banks, but for clothes, toys and equipment for babies and young children.

Ronald McDonald House provides free 'home away from home' accommodation for parents of children receiving hospital treatment.

The Sick Children's Trust gives families with a seriously ill child in hospital a warm and comfortable place to stay when they need it most.