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Positive touch is a way of communicating your love and reassurance to your baby and hearing your baby’s needs in return. Babies do communicate, and by watching and listening to your baby you can learn what kind of touch to use and when it is appropriate, safe and pleasurable for your baby.

It’s harder for your baby to communicate when exposed to too much noise, too much light, too much cool air, or an uncomfortable lying position. See whether the environment can be calmed down first. In time, you will get to know your baby’s individual ways and you may find your baby responding more often and for longer.

Comfort holding

Comfort holding is one of many ways for you and your baby to get to know each other. Your baby may be more comfortable lying in the incubator than being held. In this case, the staff may suggest that you try comfort holding if they think your baby is well enough.

Comfort holding is ‘still touch’. Cradling your baby with still, resting hands can be more comforting than stroking or massage, which are more stimulating.

Comfort holding can:

  • soothe your baby during uncomfortable procedures.
  • settle a restless baby.
  • help your baby to get back to sleep after feeds and care.
  • encourage your baby to be quietly awake and responsive.

Talk to your baby’s nurse about comfort holding. Together you can watch for signs from your baby that will guide you as to when and how to do it.