Home > In hospital > About neonatal care > Support for you and your family

Having a baby born premature or sick in neonatal care can cause many different feelings. There is no right or wrong way to feel.

You may also have practical things which are made harder by your baby being in hospital, for example, family finances, travelling to and from hospital, or looking after your other children.

You are not alone. There is support for you and your family.

Dads and non-birthing parents

Sometimes, it might feel that there is a lot of focus on supporting the parent who has given birth, so they can do things like breastfeed or express milk. We often hear that partners can often feel helpless, and unsure what they can do.

Family-centred care and family-integrated care helps to involve the whole family in the care of the baby.

Both parents are important to the care of their baby. This can include skin-to-skin contact, comfort holding, washing, changing and feeding. These can help you bond with your baby and be more involved in their care.