Home > Going home from the neonatal unit > What support is available when you go home

Support from your family and friends

Family and friends can be an important source of support when you come home from the neonatal unit. Often, they may want to help but may not know what to say or how to approach the subject with you. There may be times when you do want someone to listen, or you may not be ready to talk about how you are feeling, and that is okay.

It might be helpful to think about what kind of support and help you might need when you come home. Sometimes, help with practical tasks can be more helpful than emotional support.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, you can ask family and friends to help with practical tasks, such as:

  • Cooking meals to put in the freezer for when you need them.
  • Helping with laundry or food shopping.
  • Helping with school or nursery pick-ups if you have other children.

When you get home, you may have family members and friends asking questions and wanting to know more about you and your baby’s health. It is natural for them to be interested, but this may feel quite overwhelming. You may want to ask one family member or friend who you trust to be the first point of contact. They can then be responsible for updating other family members or friends with any news or information. This can help to take any pressure off you.

You may also get support from faith leaders or community groups in your area.

Another place to find emotional and practical support is Bliss’s private Facebook group. This is for parents with a baby born premature or sick and is a space for you to discuss your journey with people who understand.