Home > Going home from the neonatal unit > Preparing to go home > When will my baby be able to go home?

To decide if your baby is ready to go home, the staff at the unit will consider if your baby:

  • Is medically well and stable.
  • Can control their own body temperature.
  • Is feeding well and gaining weight.
  • Can breathe on their own or with the help of oxygen.
  • No longer needs nursing or medical care in hospital.

If your baby needs ongoing support with feeding, breathing or needs more specialist help, they may still be able to go home. The unit staff will talk about your baby’s specific needs with you and ensure you feel confident in caring for your baby. They will also arrange follow-up appointments.

If you have questions or concerns, talk to the unit staff. They will be happy to help.


My baby was born premature. Will they have to stay in hospital until they reach their due date?

Not always. Some babies will stay at hospital until after their due date, some may leave before. The unit staff will work with you to decide when your discharge date should be.

You may have a meeting involving unit staff and other healthcare professionals involved in your baby’s care. The meeting will help prepare for discharge, decide when your baby will be able to go home and talk about what support your baby will need.

If your baby is feeding well, gaining weight and has no other problems, they may be well enough to go home before their original due date.