Home > Going home from the neonatal unit > Preparing to go home

Preparing for your baby to go home from the neonatal unit can feel exciting but may also feel daunting. These feelings are normal and lots of parents have them. This information will help you to prepare to leave the unit and to start life at home as a new family.

The staff on the unit will help you to get ready for discharge from early on in your stay. You will be involved in changing nappies, giving feeds, and having skin-to-skin with your baby. The staff on the unit will help you build confidence in all areas of your baby’s care. Your baby is coming home because they are well enough to leave the unit. We have more information about when your baby may be able to come home.

Research shows that getting involved in your baby’s care as early as possible can help you to feel prepared for the transition to being at home with your baby. We have more information about how you can be involved in your baby’s care on the unit that you may find helpful.

Some parents feel like they are not ready to leave the unit, and may be worried about the lack of support. If you do not feel ready to go home or have any other worries, it is important to talk to unit staff.

Getting organised to go home

Getting organised early will help you be able to be more prepared to look after your baby when they come home. The staff on the unit will help you to plan, and you can ask them if you have any concerns.