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What is expressing?

Expressing means collecting breast milk which you can store and feed to your baby later. You can express milk by hand or with a breast pump, which can be electric or manual.

Expressing can be helpful:

  • If your baby is not well enough or strong enough to feed from the breast straight away
  • So that both partners or others are able to share feeding
  • If you are too sick to feed your baby from the breast
  • If you cannot be near your baby and want to establish a good milk supply
  • If your baby has difficulty latching on to the breast, but you still want to give them your breast milk.

If your baby is not able to breastfeed straight away, the staff at the hospital will help you to express (collect) your breast milk as soon as possible after your baby is born. This means that your baby will still get the benefits of breast milk until they are ready to feed from the breast or bottle, as it can be given to them by a feeding tube.