Home > About your baby > Feeding > Common feeding challenges

If you are having problems breastfeeding or expressing, you are not alone. We have listed some common challenge with breastfeeding or expressing here, and what you can do.

Problems with suck feeding or latching

Babies born premature or sick can have complications that will affect their ability to suck on the breast. This is common while your baby is maturing and their muscle tone is improving. If this continues, a feeding specialist such as a speech and language therapist can help to manage this.

A condition called tongue-tie can make it more difficult for some babies to breastfeed. Tongue-tie happens when the strip of skin that attaches the baby’s tongue to the bottom of their mouth is shorter than usual. This means they may have more difficulty latching on to the breast or feeding from a bottle. The NHS website has some more detailed information about tongue-tie.