Home > About your baby > Common infectious illnesses > I'm worried - what can I do?

We often hear that parents of babies born premature or sick spend a lot of time worrying about their baby catching an infectious illness. This is because premature and sick babies are more vulnerable to complications from conditions such as a cold. Often, this can be the most worrying part of taking your baby home from the neonatal unit, where they have been more protected.

As a parent, you can only do so much to protect your baby from infections in the outside world. By being prepared, and by following our tips on reducing the risk of infections, you can help protect your baby. It’s also important to remember that it is part of their development to build up a healthy immunity to common infections.

Homeopathic remedies can be presented as treatments for common infectious illnesses. However, research has found no evidence to support the use of homeopathic remedies as effective treatments for any health conditions. You can find more information about the research and findings of clinical evidence for homeopathy (PDF).

When to call your GP

We have included information about when to call your GP for the conditions mentioned in this information. However as a general rule, you should always speak to your GP, health visitor or call NHS 111 if you are worried about your baby’s health.

You should never worry about wasting their time. Here are some symptoms which you should not ignore:

Signs to look out for before calling your GP

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Go to your GP straight away if:

  • your baby has a fever (a temperature over 38 degrees Celsius or 100.4 Fahrenheit)
  • if their temperature rises suddenly or the fever continues for more than two days
  • if they are breathing very fast, struggling to breathe or their breathing is very shallow
  • if a cough lasts for more than five days and becomes wheezy
  • if you notice a rash anywhere on your baby's body
  • if your baby stops being able to feed.

As a parent, you know your baby better than anyone. You may feel something is not right, but may not be able to explain fully what the problem is.

You should listen to your gut feeling and if you feel something is wrong with your baby for more than a few days, you should always speak to your GP.

As a parent, you know your baby better than anyone. You may feel something is not right, but may not be able to explain fully what the problem is.

In general, healthcare professionals would much rather you checked with them if you are worried about your baby, particularly if they are more vulnerable to serious conditions. If in doubt, it is always best to check.

If you have a community neonatal nurse, or family care nurse, they can provide support once you have been discharged from the unit and are adjusting to life at home with your baby.

Who can help?

  • Your GP
  • Your health visitor
  • NHS 111
  • Your community neonatal nurse, or family care nurse
  • Pharmacists
  • Your neonatal unit
  • Your neonatal or paediatric consultant (if your baby has been discharged and visits a clinic)
  • 999 in an emergency