Home > About your baby > Before your baby is born

Knowing that your baby is more likely to need to spend some time in neonatal care can feel frightening. Your baby may need neonatal care if they are born premature (before 37 weeks of pregnancy), have a low birth weight, or have a medical condition which will need treatment.

This page has some more information about ways to prepare yourself before your baby is born, and will help you find more information and support.

How can you help to prepare yourself?

We have listed below some things you may want to do to prepare yourself. Some of these tips have been suggested to us by parents who have had a baby in neonatal care. These are just ideas and you should only do what you feel comfortable with.

Visit the neonatal unit

You may be offered a tour of the neonatal unit in advance. This will help you to understand what to expect when you arrive on the unit and will help you to find your way around.

This is a good opportunity to find out how you are going to travel to and from the neonatal unit.

You should also be introduced to some of the staff on the neonatal unit and what they do, the facilities and equipment. You may want to ask about any parent support groups available.

Some units will offer a virtual tour of their neonatal unit if you are unable to visit in person beforehand, or some written information about the unit.

Our information about neonatal care is also a great place to start for general information about the different levels of neonatal care, tests, equipment, and support available.

You may want to read our page about looking after your baby on the neonatal unit, which has more information about why being involved in your baby’s care is important and ways that you can be involved when your baby is born.