News > Warwick Hospital receives Gold Baby Charter Accreditation

The assessment was carried out at Warwick Hospital neonatal unit on 16 May 2022 by Bliss Baby Charter Programme Lead Holly Sullivan, and Volunteer Assessors Lynne Wainwright and Claire Gray. The Baby Charter lead for the unit was Emma Evans.

The culture of the Warwick Hospital neonatal unit is clearly family-centred, with families referencing an extremely welcoming environment with supportive staff who are always keen to listen and encourage parents to be involved in their baby’s care.

Despite a small unit footprint, the staff have gone out of their way to ensure that the space is used as efficiently as possible, and they even have a dedicated sibling’s corner. Feeding support was highlighted as one of the particular strengths on the unit, with passionate staff and dedicated one-to-one support with each family.

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Emma Evans, the Baby Charter lead for the unit, said, “We are so proud to have been awarded the gold accreditation for the baby charter. It is great that our dedication to family centred care and the help and support that we give to our families is recognised. We are an amazing team on SCBU and this is such a fantastic achievement for us.”

Warwick also have some really wonderful resources and displays, with parents referencing these specifically in their interviews, such as the skin-to-skin display which features photos of their own babies.

Laura Harding, whose baby received care at Warwick Hospital’s neonatal, said, “Congratulations on being awarded gold accreditation! That’s amazing. You deserve it as the work and support you all give to babies and families is outstanding. It was a pleasure to be part of it!”