The online support service, supported by our partner Pampers, has been developed with parents so that it can provide immediate support at every stage of their neonatal journey.
Having a neonatal experience can be overwhelming.
Parents have told us how challenging it can be to find information about the neonatal experience when you are at your baby's side; worrying about their health alongside the new environment of the unit and all the emotions this can bring.
To help with some of these challenges we have developed a new support tool based on common concerns from parents.
The support tool is here for every stage of your neonatal journey, whether you are settling in at home, your baby has just started school, your baby has sadly died or you have just arrived on the neonatal unit. It will help parents to be well informed about neonatal care, confident in their roles and involved in their baby’s care.
With more than 90,000 babies born needing neonatal care in the UK every year, the new personalised support marks an exciting development for Bliss in reaching even more families who need emotional support or access to free, trusted information.
“Bliss was there for us when we felt out of our depth” – Jess' Story
We are so grateful for the families who have shared their experience to help us guide parents to find the right information for them at the right stage of the journey.
Anyone touched by a neonatal experience can still contact us at [email protected] for support, or if you are currently on the unit or recently at home you can speak to our Bliss Champions via video call.
We would also like to say a special thank you to Pampers who have supported our new support service. From World Prematurity Day on 17 November until 30 November 2021, every use of #PampersForPreemies on Twitter and every click or swipe up on a #PampersForPreemies Facebook or Instagram ads, Pampers will donate to Bliss.