Home > Supporting health professionals > Bereavement support > National Bereavement Care Pathway for Pregnancy and Baby Loss

The NBCP seeks to increase the quality of, and reduce the inequity in, the bereavement care provided by healthcare professionals after the loss of a baby or pregnancy at any gestation.

There are five pathways in total:

  • Miscarriage (including molar and ectopic pregnancy)
  • Termination of Pregnancy for Fetal Abnormality (TOPFA)
  • Stillbirth
  • Neonatal Death
  • Sudden Unexpected Death of an Infant (SUDI).

Initially funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, and with the backing of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Baby Loss, the Pathway has been led by Sands, working closely with a Core Group of partners including Bliss.

The Pathway is now being rolled out across England. Find more information about the National Bereavement Care Pathway for health professionals.

There is also a separate Scottish Pathway which has been piloted since early 2020.