Events > Bake for Bliss

What is Bake for Bliss?

Bake for Bliss is a baking fundraiser that anyone, anywhere can take part in. Host a scrumptious bake sale for your friends, family or colleagues and start raising some dough for premature and sick babies.

Date:  Any date, any time

Location:  All across the UK

Registration fee:  None

Fundraising pledge:  Raise as much as you can!

orange iced cupcakes on a glass cake stand

How will Bliss support my bake sale?

When you sign up for Bake for Bliss we will send you our fantastic free bake pack, which contains all the information you need to host a sale.

We've even included extra goodies such as cake labels and our top secret recipe and cake labels to help make your sale as special as possible.

We're here to help with every step of your bake sale! We'll share our top tips and you'll be able to download our bunting, invite posters and cake labels to use as often as you'd like.

Sign up today to get your free bake pack

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