Home > What we do > Who we work with > Pregnancy and Baby Charities Network

Bliss is a proud member of the Pregnancy and Baby Charities Network (PBCN). The PBCN is an important partnership in the work of saving babies’ lives and helping support families.

The Pregnancy and Baby Charities Network represents UK charities working together with a shared purpose to:

  • Reduce the number of babies who die during pregnancy, birth or in the early weeks of life.
  • Reduce morbidity in newborn babies and improve care for these babies and their parents.
  • Improve care throughout the path to parenthood; before, during and after pregnancy and after losing a baby or pregnancy.

All members want to ensure the best possible outcome and experience of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.

We work together to influence national policy in all four UK Governments, as well as to influence and work with the NHS across the UK. We do this to improve care for parents and babies nationally, and to reduce inequalities in outcomes.

We have developed a manifesto, which sets out our three priorities for action:

  1. Make the UK the safest place in the world to have a baby, regardless of ethnicity, income or circumstances.
  2. Give sick and premature babies the best chance of survival and quality of life.
  3. Provide every family with the bereavement care they need after pregnancy and baby loss.

This manifesto outlines the work the network does as a collective, holding decision-makers to account and encouraging positive change for all families, regardless of ethnicity, income, or circumstance.

Read our Joint Manifesto