Carol Buxton, Family Support and Infant Feeding Specialist at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, says: "Charities like Bliss have been at the forefront of improvements in care for babies, especially with powerful tools like the Bliss Baby Charter.
"Bliss has a strong presence in neonatal units, their support in achieving 'gold standards' such as one-to-one nursing care for all intensive care babies is invaluable."
Over the next three years we will:
- Work with neonatal units to improve and increase the delivery of family-centred care, including hands-on parental involvement in care, through support with the Bliss Baby Charter.
- Increase the number of health professionals trained in neonatal developmental care through the delivery of Family-Infant Neurodevelopmental Education (FINE) training.
- Share knowledge and understanding of family-centred care through the Bliss Excellence Network, our online learning portal and peer-to-peer forum for neonatal healthcare professionals.
- Fund and support research which increases evidence of how best to deliver developmental care and improve outcomes for babies.
To hear about how we are already working with neonatal units across the UK and our plans for the coming year, read our 2018-2019 Healthcare Engagement Team Report.