Home > About Bliss > Our timeline

We have done this by supporting families and healthcare professionals, campaigning for change and enabling life-changing research.

We’ve seen the total transformation of neonatal care in this time – thanks in part to our incredible supporters - but we know there is still a long way to go.

This timeline marks just some our achievements to date.


17 August 1979

The Daily Telegraph reveals urgent need for more neonatal units, equipment and staff.

Front page of daily telegraph in 1979 with headline: Wanted: More life-saving units to care for babies born too soon

This front page of The Daily Telegraph newspaper motivated readers to do something to help the thousands of babies born premature or sick get the best possible standard of care.

24 August 1979

A dad calls for urgent action to save vulnerable babies.

In response to the article, a letter from Mr Allan Chilvers appeared in The Telegraph.

Shocked by what he had read, he appealed for others to join him in setting up a society to buy life-saving equipment and to pay for training for specialist staff.

7 November 1979

Parents set up the first national charity for babies in neonatal care.

Unable to cope with the volume of responses to his letter, Mr Chilvers handed over to two mums who’d experienced difficult births to take the lead. Susanna Cheal OBE and Joanna Bertorelli scheduled the first meeting of the group.

At this meeting, Baby Life Support Systems (Bliss) was born.


First donation to Bliss is made.